I've always been awesome, but now playin' not only the real but also the virtual football I'm gorgeous. Fifa on pc has been a piece of crap since 2006 edition. Pes 5 was everything I wanted from football game: realistic and entertaining. Then Pes 6 came and....wow....then Pes 2008 that killed my computer so I had to buy a new one and great Pes 2009 that I bought on the day it was released, and...Pes 2010....worse, less entertaining etc. but then I played Fifa 10 demo on Xbox...after a few matches I knew...now I'm a proud owner of this game. Beautiful graphics, great music, licences and what's important: gameplay - I can play it for a whole day and I won't be bored...and a fabulous online play....f*** me...I gotta play this now...
weemanpoland Blog
Ping Pong Lee
by weemanpoland on Comments
Ordered Rockstar's Table Tennis yesterday. Hopefully, I'll get this tommorow 'cause i don't wanna wait 'til Monday.
Completed 3 more Ace Combat missions...La grande finale is a few steps closer ;)
Flyin' high
by weemanpoland on Comments
Ace combat 6 - love at second sight...played it the whole Sunday...flyin' on xbox pad is like poetry...now i'm going to buy HAWX for shorter missions and more entartaining experiences (being shot and retrying a mission after 45 minutes hurts)...
lock on ;P
The winner
by weemanpoland on Comments
Won my first UFC championship yesterday in light heavyweight after short but brutal fight with Quinton Jackson. Now, let's play online :D
Split screen
by weemanpoland on Comments
I ordered a new Xbox gamepad today. I just wanna try to play Forza 3 using split screen. Playing ufc with a friend should be more exciting too. I'm just wondering...how...would it be good...curious...damn it...
Playing with Ezio
by weemanpoland on Comments
I got Assassin's Creed 2 for Xbox yesterday. I'm trying not to be overwhelmed by the grandiosity of Florence ;). The views are breathtaking and the new features make it more realistic. And what's funny, I don't have to fight with new Ubisoft's DRM protection ;). Just awesome :)
Let's start
by weemanpoland on Comments
To blog or not to blog?
My first post here. I don't even know what to write so I'll try to share my gaming experience with you ;)
I bought a brand new Xbox360 last week and I'm amazed. Great games, great gamepad and sth new, sth different.
Currently playing UFC Undisputed 2009 and enjoying the beauty of fight sports ;>
weeman out...
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