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35 Things About Me, Uncut, Raw, The Tell All Blog!


1. What time is it? Time to be a smartalec, it is about 5:47 PM Eastern time as i type this message, sorry 5:48 PM Eastern
2. Name: wegie_man, but you call call me Wegie, or Curious Geogre I've had that name for a while.
3. What are you most afraid of? Crime, well not just crime I fear getting shot or robbed or something scary like that, I would just freeze up.
4. What do you drive? The Bus
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? I'll Save that for Slyvia Browne on Montel
6. Where were you born? Canada like Joe from Ellen

7. Ever been to Alaska ? No, but I'm sure Alaska would be just the best place in the world to visit.
8. Ever been toilet papering rolling in decorating trees? No
9. Croutons or Bacon bits ? Croutons all the way I mean they are crunchy and pieces of bread at the same time!
10. Favorite day of the week: Thursday, Greys and Survivor are both on it's like my "double day"
11. Favorite restaurant: McDonalds, Their chicken nuggets are just so fun to gulp down
12. Favorite Flower: Daisy are nice
13. Favorite sport to watch: Al Roker giving the weather, I mean Hockey
14. Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
15. Favorite Ice cream: Vanilla or Superkid
16. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
17. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonalds, I think we have already gone through this
18. What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown, how fun eh
19. How many times you failed your driver's test? Zero
20. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? My good friend, the Al Roker fan club
21. Last person you spoke to on the phone? not quite sure, the pizza delivery man?
22. Bedtime: 11:00 PM
23. Who will copy this the quickest? Me, Myself and I
24. Who is the person least likely to copy? Someone who dosen't track my blog
25. Who is the person(s) that you are most curious to see their responses? Noah mostly and of course Emilia but I already saw hers in Sparkle's blog.
26. Favorite TV show:
Roseanne, Reba, Ellen and Grey's Anatomy
27. Ford or Chevy? Ya, right
28. What are you listening to right now? Hung Up - Madonna
29. What are your favorite colors? Green and Teal
30. How many tattoos do you have? None
31. Do you have any pets? My dog, Muffins and Al Roker
32. There is no 32 what happened to it. Eaten by the cookie monster!

33. Favorite snack/comfort foods?
34. Last vacation destination: The indoor water park

35. Oprah or Ellen? Ellen! ALL THE WAY SHE IS SO AWESOME!