Hey all you people, I am SO excited to see you guys, to be honest I am very bored today so without further talking:
Once upon a time there lived a great and, wondrous philosopher named Ataka. Ataka lived in a big cottage made of gold and ivory. Ataka owned many different animals. He owned cows, chicken and pigs. At this time pigs where black. Ataka's pigs where a gold colour because, he loved gold. He would take his gold pigs to the market and sell them for more black pigs. (This is how he made all his money.)
One cool summer day he trotted down to the market with four gold pigs. Suddenly the paint on one of the pigs started to chip off. Ataka quickly ran back to his cottage and left that pig. What Ataka didn't know was that another philosopher was standing in a bush. He saw the paint chip off.
When Ataka got to the market, he was surprised to see another man with ten pink pigs; selling them, at the market. Ataka was outraged. Quickly he yelled, "I've got golden pigs which are much rarer than pink pigs." Suddenly the crowd ran to Ataka and his pigs.
Suddenly the other philosopher yelled, "why would you go over to him, when I'm offering something new." The crowd ran over to the other philosopher and. In ten seconds all his pigs where gone. Ataka decided to walk back to his gold cottage. The other philosopher snuck up behind him. When Ataka entered his house, the other philosopher grabbed all of Ataka's pigs.
The other philosopher named Rihl, painted all the pigs he had and, all of Ataka's pigs, pink. Rihl then canted a chant:
All of our pigs turn to the colour pink! Turn the colour of red and, white! Change them pinkity pink, pinkity pink! Let them be the colour I want, colour I want, colour I want! Pink is the colour I have chosen, pink is the colour I have chosen, I have chosen!
When Ataka woke up he looked and, looked. He couldn't find his pigs anywhere. He heard the faint sound "oink" in the distances. Ataka decided to follow the noise.
When Rihl woke up he looked and, looked. He couldn't find any of the pigs anywhere. He heard the sound "oink" in the distance. Rihl decided to follow the noise.
Ataka walked and walked until the oink was very loud. Rihl also walked and walked until the oink was very loud. Ataka and Rihl met at the market. What they saw was absolutely amazing. On one side there were all the people of the village. On the other side everybody's pigs oinking away. This was not the fascinating thing to the people of the village; the fascinating thing was all the pigs where pink.
Ataka and, Rihl watched their pigs oink. They wondered how come pigs oink.
All I can say about how they oink is that's a different story
The End