wegie_man / Member

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The View From Here


You Know I love Wikipedia and everything but when the fetured article is Michael Woodruff and they show a pic of his kidney transplant smack dab in the middle of my browser it is a little unapeeling. No picture of Michael  just his crotch area, lovely isn't it. Now I love looking at Michael's crotch and everything but think of the children. (Notice Sarcasm)



I would love to be Snoopy in this scene because it is so beautiful you know just to look out at the water. Or you don't know if you love in like New York City, wait a minute never mind. Anywho Lovely view to think about inventions well clearly my friend's daughter didn't use this. She had this invention thing where she had to make an invention her idea - The Bannana Peeler. Guess their slogan:

for people with arthritis, or for people who can't open bananas.

Notice the spelling and slogan itself. I found at that there is really no such thing as a bannana peeler, I still laughed a lot though.