Just imagine lounging in front of your TV with nothing more than a little box about the size of a deck of cards sitting there, streaming high definition games to your TV. Welcome to OnLive, the next big thing in gaming...Maybe. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that this could be big. I know it's easy to get caught up in the hype, but to me it seems as though the positives out weigh the negatives...At least from what we know so far. I'm just voicing my opinion here, and speculating on what might happen. Ok, let's take a look at some of the highs and lows of this new concept:
1. Instant play at the click of a button. No download time, just buy the game and click to play.
2. You can play on your TV, or PC. Either get the MicroConsole and play on your TV, or just play through your computer.
3. Play high performance PC games without the hassle and cost of owning a high end PC. I know that for some people the fun of PC gaming is building custom rigs, and upgrading and tweaking them, but some people just want to play games.
4. Digital downloads would cut down on piracy. I suppose there are ways to pirate downloaded games, but it seems to me that this would for the most part eliminate it.
5. It would be cheaper and easier for developers to make games. One reason is because they wouldn't have to pay for discs, packaging material...etc.
6. It would be compatible with several different types of controllers, including a mouse and keyboard. Some people like the Xbox 360 controller, some like a mouse and keyboard. This way people can use what they like best. Plus OnLive will have there own controller (which is very similar to the 360s).
7. A faster rate of increase in the quality of games. Since consoles are top priority with developers right now, the games are usually made for them first. Then, they are sometimes brought over to the PC. Game consoles only come out about every 3-6 years. So, in this time period, games don't improve alot in terms of graphics and such since the hardware doesn't change. PCs on the other hand are constantly becoming more and more powerful. OnLive will apparently upgrade their computer servers every six months with the latest hardware. If OnLive where to take over consoles all together, the rate at which games get better would be faster since game makers could utilize the power of PCs.
So, those are in my opinion some of the positives. Now on to the bad stuff.
1. Fast internet connection is required. They say that in order to play in high definition, you need 5mbps. For standard definition, 1.5mbps. Most people have internet, and more and more people are getting broadband. The majority of the people don't have internet that is 5mbps. All games are made in HD now days and it would be hard to go back to standard def after playing in HD. I think this is the biggest problem, and a determining factor in it's success. If only internet providers would get with the program and offer higher speed internet like other countries. But that is a hole different issue that I don't feel like discussing.
2. Only being able to play PC games. First party games will not be available either, so Halo 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4, for example, won't be an option. Although, if OnLive were to really catch on (and shutdown consoles altogether), that would change. Could PC gaming make a comeback?
These are the only real negatives that I can think of.
Other Thoughts:
I think it would only be a matter of time before Gamestop and other game only retailers would shut down. I mean, there's no such thing as a used downloaded game. And there obviously wouldn't be any new games to sell either. Developers would be smiling since they'd be getting more money from sales.
All of these comments are just my opinions and much of it is banking on the fact that this concept catches on. I personally think it has a good chance and am looking forward to what happens with it. Like I said earlier, it's easy to get to exited about new technologies, but to me this looks pretty cool. It will be interesting to see what OTOY brings to the table, as well as others. What are your guy's opinion on it?