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welshskaterdude Blog

Hooray for sonic! and HALO!

The last week has been a truely immense week for gamers (especially those backing microsoft)! Not only has TGS been and gone but also its now X06! And im just so excited to say say I have now played on my most anticipated game to date Sonic The Hedgehog! and I got to say Im in love! I have played through the demo bout 10 times now! its just everything and more for me to finally see how far sonic has come in 15 years! and im so excited for the new game! And on top of all this great news there is also another little thing on the topic of Halo wars I wish to discuss and say 3 letters about O....M....G! I am now so ready for this game! I reall hope they keep along the lines of The Fall Of Reach, if they do then il be so amazed! Il feel like im reading the book all over again! anyway im gonna sign out! hope you guys have a great week

TGS 06 and random thoughts

Well TGS is finally here! and its time to get worked up for some surprises that will (hopefully) show themselves to the gaming nation by the end of the week! but I must admit last night I wasnt too impressed with sonys offerings other than the fact that devil may cry 4 was playable! this got me way excited when i saw it had hands on and it looks like its going to be epic! another thing that has caught my eye in the press conferences is what looked like to be some weird device on the 360s new steering wheel. What is it? Is it supposed to be a weird gear stick of somesort or just another peripheral piece? Well whatever it was it got me confused. In other news this week I bought Prey on the Xbox 360, and i must say it is one of the easiest games to get nearly all the points on. I didnt have it a week and i already got well into the 700 points mark! if your a well expeirienced player of fps games and your looking for a great gaming blast and plenty of simple achievements, this is the game for you! also im uber tired atm as i have worked all week and finally have a night off! im so treating myself to some gaming fun! anyway i better jet, catch you later

The tragic loss of my 360, the condemption of mr fisher and random crap

Its Official, my Xbox 360 sadly passed away yesterday. but the good new is the nice people at Gamestation replaced my console for a nice fresh brand new one! including the hard drive which isnt the most impressive news I ever heard. ButI guess it means I can replay through all my games!

I also purchased Splinter Cell Essentials on psp, and I must admit it is garbage. I have decided after bearing with for about 2 hours of constantly pressing down circle like once every 15 seconds, that its going back tomorrow.

and just a question brought to you by cheesie boppies. If you can freeze em cheese em!

whats the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan?