@kletoskletos: This should be working now - give it a shot!
wemmick's forum posts
@dragonhellfire: Thanks for letting us know - I'll get a ticket filed.
@xselphie1999x: The first account was banned because you were posting links back to your site in comments regularly. It looks like our automated spam detection picked up on that.
As for the new account:
- These is some issue with that image that is causing it to not show up correctly. I'll look into it, but you may want to just replace it, or try converting it to a different format, or just re-saving the image in some sort of image-editing software. That may clear up any corruption.
- I'll also look into the Review count.
Thanks for the heads-up!
@girlusocrazy: This should be working now on mobile - please let me know if you see any issues with it!
I'll get a ticket filed for this in our queue. Thanks!
@egraves2: That does appear to be a bug - we're looking into it.
@girlusocrazy: Ah, if it's Android, it's probably registering as mobile then - we'll get the switch available on mobile soon!
@girlusocrazy: It doesn't currently work on mobile which is something we're working on. I'll have someone look into the other cases though. Is this on PC or Mac?
@kletoskletos: Which page is/was that?
@girlusocrazy: On which page (URL) are you seeing this behavior? Our dedicated video pages still autoplay because that's the purpose of the page, but you should see the switch on videos within news articles.
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