It is really sad that it will be an on rail shooter...i already own two on rail shooters... i will not buy it if it is onrails
I bought Call of duty: World at war and metal slug anthology both at the same time last december next game probabely deadly creatures or dead rising:D and after that madworld ofcourse!!!!
Looks Awesome!! this game has been on my radar sinnce a few months now:D Definately looks great thanks for the info!!
Looking forward to:- Smash brothers brawl- Star wars the force unleashed- Fatal frame 4- tales of symphonia dawn of the new world- Monster hunter 3 - the conduit
- Bully scholarship edition- No more heroes- Super smash brothers brawl- Okami- Monster hunter 3- Fatal frame 4- Disaster day of crisis - Star wars the force unleashed- Tales of symphonia: Dawn of the new wordl- Animal CrossingThat's it :)
1: Metroid prime 32: Super smash brothers brawl3:No more heroes4:Batallion wars wii5: Super mario galaxy
there are two screenshots and some information but all dutch LINK: and it will have online
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