sure he accepts us all, it's just a matter of whether you accept him. if people live a life rejecting God, then they obviously don't want to believe and trust in God. For God to force people to go to heaven against their wishes wouldn't be heaven, it would be hell for them.God accepts all of us so... hell is nothing?
wesleyca's forum posts
Since I never got to chance to really play any of the really great games on the PS2 since i had a gamecube, i think they should send Bully onto the PS3 like they did on the XBOX 360. I also thought it would be pretty cool if kingdom hearts was also on ps3. what do you guys think? Name other games that you would like
the only thing that irked me about the game was the fact that it would bbe hard to decide where to jump off or where to land.
in the level where you are looking for the cintamani in the mountains, i couldnt stop dying cuz i always jumped into the wrong spot,
somethings would be easy to cling on to while others werent:?
spiderman 3
(yes, i mean the movie and the game)
i usually never get around to playing games on my prev gen consoles
i bought like several gamecube games for 3 bucks being sold at game stores this year just for the heck of it
i played them probably once or twice, but it feels weird playing them cuz you can play them, then switch back to your pc/wii/ps3/360
and be completely mesmerized by the resolution and gameplay change.(not saying that prev gen games arent good)
i usually play the classics(ssbm, metroid, james bond, donkey konga) more than i play the obscure titles (cabella's dangerous hunts????marvel nemesis??)
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