- wespunk’s Activity
@lonewolf1044: Seriously how old are you . You sound like a kid who is still in nappies with a comment like that. We don’t want to know your intentions with your consoles. Sell them and move on to ano...
Is it a good game as I want to buy it for ps4/ Xbox One S so which one would be the best to get anyone????
I’m afraid I’m not into turn based gameplay which Baldurs Gate 3 is portraying from the same gameplay as Divinity Origin Sin 2 ,as I prefer Original Baldurs Gate games and Dark Alliance . So I’l...
@SingletreeAve: Maybe play something faster to your taste Sonic
@Utnayan: That’s old news dated 31st of January 2019 thus the switch is outselling ps4 this year in some countries and they still have Pokémon to come out next month not mention games still to come...
Same old call of duty take out campaign in last game this game take out zombies put back campaign and spec-ops .Thats why I don’t buy every call of duty game ,as they are just so unreliable and unco...
Should be coming out when ps5 is released running at better framerates but it will probably come out on both ps4 and ps5
I don’t care about the score that anyone gives about Astral Chain I love the fighting scenes are just mad and fun but challenging in their own way and you can tool around with the actions to work an...
I had a Xbox one got rid of it because I just got tied of playing games that where multi platform. It had exclusives like Halo and Gears of War and few others but nothing to hold me in ,as Playstati...
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