"The best deal in videogame history." - IGN.com
What a load of (BLEEP). The games are great but the Steam technology to install them is nothing but bug ridden garbage. You pay for two DVD's but it automatically tries to install the game off the internet. What genius came up with that idea? Lets give the customer DVD"s that they won't need, they'll just be for looks, and the game will install itself from the internet. Brilliant idea!
There are ISP's that won't let you use Steam. Why? Because it is a bad idea. There are posts stating that thousands are having these install problems. From whatwe have read Steams tech support is anywhere from a joke to NON-EXISTANT so don't waste your time. They already have your money.
If you're lucky on the 3rd try of reinstalling it will actually start to install off the DVD's. Next thing you know you are looking at the Steam screen and it is downloading and installing the games again from the internet or is downloading updates. And how long does it say it will take to install? It says it will take days and that is with a high speed modem. But you keep getting messages that Steam is busy and try again later. So you are probably looking at a week minimum to get the game installed.
What happened to the days where you put a game in, click install and it installs? Oh wait those days still exist because all other games seem to use that process. You shouldn't have to spend a week just to install a bloody game. It should be called "Toaster In A Box" not The Orange Box. You've just purchased frustration in a box that is good for absolutely nothing but collecting dust. Now we're reading about problems launching the game if you are one of the lucky ones to manage to get it installed.
We don't have the time to spend a week installing a game. We have a family member that is dying so you spend almost every day, 7-8 hours a day at different hospitals. It is not a very pleasant experience. Neither is trying to install this game. Quit ripping off the consumer.
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