If you could make any improvments to PSN what would it be? I would just like to see a party chat mode and make it a little easier to communicate with your friends. What are some suggestions for improvements that you would like to see?
whaler06's forum posts
Im looking to get my very first PSP for the upcomming holidays. I was thinking between the Dissidia bundle or the PSP Go. Which is the better deal. and does anyone know how much a full game will cost if your downloading it from PSN.The main focus of the psp will be able to play these games as well as have a portable movie player
games i want to play
dissidia final fantasy
kingdom hearts birth by sleep
metal gear sold Peace walker
monster hunter freedom unite
Anyone Heard of it? Use it? Or know anything about it?
What we can look forward too. Add to the list if as Im just going to start.
God Of War III
Kingdom Hearts III
Valkyrie Chronicles
What games are you personally looking forward to by the end of this year.
Im personally intrested in Valkyria Chronicles, Fallout 3, and Prince Of Persia.
I for one was looking forward to something new In K2. After reading the article on IGN about K2 and am even further dissapointed in this game. Though it is not suprising since the first Killzone wasnt a great game either. But from what we have heard and seen in the gameplay footage its going to feel like a recycled version of some other FPS. I was hoping for a little more creativity out of this game and a possible canidate for GOTY 09.
I hope that it is good. I had high expectations for it but im just gonna have to wait and see.
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