whantwhant's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 10 (95%)
Rank: Phoenix Down
Points: 100980

whantwhant's Emblems

  • Virtually There: E3 2008 Sony Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2008 Sony Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2008 Sony press conference on Tuesday, July 15.

  • Virtually There: E3 2009 Sony Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2009 Sony Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2009 Sony press conference on Tuesday, June 2.

  • Virtually There: E3 2009 Nintendo Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2009 Nintendo Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2009 Nintendo press conference on Tuesday, June 2.

  • Virtually There: E3 2009 Microsoft Conference

    Virtually There: E3 2009 Microsoft Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2009 Microsoft press conference on Monday, June 1.

  • Game Developers Conference 2010

    Virtually There: Game Developers Conference 2010. 'cause you were totally there, but not really. Emblem holders watched and discussed at least 1 of 4 GameSpot GDC shows.

  • E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    E3's just not the same without dudes getting chainsawed in half, amirite? I watched the Microsoft E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • E3 2011 Sony Conference Attendee

    Demystifying rumors and speculation, one E3 at a time. I watched the Sony E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • E3 2011 Nintendo Conference Attendee

    Another E3, another hardware announcement. I watched the Nintendo E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • E3 2012 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    This viewer saved up all their Ballmer Buxx to buy a new Windows-compatible PC so they could log onto Internet Explorer and watch the Microsoft press conference and bear witness to all the Better-With-Kinect titles coming to their Xbox Entertainment Systems in the upcoming future.

  • E3 2012 Nintendo Conference Attendee

    This viewer proudly exclaimed, "My body is ready!" and tuned into this year's Nintendo press conference hoping to see what wonderful turns of phrase Reggie Fils-Aime would add to the popular lexicon this year. Oh, and they probably wanted to see the Wii U as well.

  • E3 2012 EA Conference Attendee

    This viewer took an hour out of their daily routine of sobbing uncontrollably over the lack of a Mirror's Edge sequel in order to watch the EA press conference and confirm that EA still isn't making a Mirror's Edge sequel. But, hey, at least there's a new Medal of Honor game. So there's that.

  • E3 2012 Connoisseur of the Arts

    E3 is about a lot of things (exhaustion, hot dogs, etc.) but if you can boil it down to its absolute purest form, it's a about the art. So that's why this viewer tuned into GameSpot's live stage show--so they could see the art live as it happened.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 1

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day one of E3.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 3

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day three of E3.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 2

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day two of E3.