Anyways here are the pictures of the parade. I used the following : MS Paint, MS Movie Maker, and my dads camera to take the movie. All photos are images that were broadcasted on nbc.. in other words thanks to nbc for images. Credit me and nbc when you use the pictures.
Thats Nina and Madi.. in spacesuits.
Thats Mike and another person (yet to indentify)
All right this is a question for you.. Whos that on the right? The one on the left looks to be Willie.
This is just a bad picture of the float you can see ruff in the background but a better picture of himwill be in few pic later.
Heres Ruff and also is that Rosario in the background?
I dont know who this is.. thats why i took it.
Look at the picture and youll get my description. And if you dont belive me the next picture is going to prove it.
This is to prove the last photo.. and this is the last photo.
I do have a video in progress but I dont know if Ill be able to post it... what2donext:)
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