That's never gonna happen. There's like almost 6000 games and 8 new games added a day. Unless he can clear at least 8 a day his list of games is only going to get longer.
@CagedOkami: yup, but that's with a gtx 970. I play it on ultra with AA off and it's basically locked at 60fps. I turned the AA off because it hurts the lighting. On a 760 it ran well at about 30fps at med to high settings.
Yup. I was surprised and tested it several times with different variations of tires and such. Almost all corners you can turn at full speed. Try it. There are tight turns that'd you'd think there's no way you'll be able to turn it without drifting or slowing down but you can.
I never play racing games anymore and suck but in MK8 I feel like a pro because there's so little to it. I'm pretty sure that was their intent judging from how easy 3D World was too. It seems like they're not trying to make them challenging anymore.
Mario Kart 8 won for the best sports/racing game? it's fun but it's such a no skill game that it's kinda funny. You can turn almost every corner at full speed just by turning normally. how well you do is based largely on whether the opposing team has fingers and if they so it comes down to your drops and whether luck is on your side. I went through the whole game on 50cc to 150cc and barely noticed any difference in difficulty and placed in the top 3 every time. Then I went back and played Mario Kart nes on 150cc on the first level and couldn't get past the first track. That's how easy MK 8 is.
Please Nintendo add skill back in to the game. It's not as fun if all you do is pull the trigger all the way down and steer. That's way too easy.
In some ways it's good that they do that too. By buying the DLC you play against the most hardcore players since they all buy it. The skill of players on the DLC maps is higher. That could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you're looking for from CoD. The amount of content you get for $60 is a lot too. But I agree, it kinda sucks in some ways that it fractures the player base. They should release a version without the campaign that comes with the season pass for like $60 or $70.
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