Well it seems too early but today is Christmas Eve. It's a bit warm out, two days ago I even saw a bee outside. It's kinda weird but Christmas will probably be warmer than Halloween this year.
People have their nice decorations up. I've got two trees this year, a big fake one in the living room (it's an old one, we have a newer one in the attic but my day put up the wrong one) and a small real one in the kitchen. I also have a small fake tree in my room.
The fire station has cool Christmas lights up around the building. The lights change from green to red and back again, it's cool, but unfortunately they didn't put up the inflatable Santa that they used to put in the little-tower on top of this year (they used to always put it up their years ago).
Anyway here is Today's Tree of the Day.
Here is the Video of the Tree being lit. Here's the guys decorating the tree.
And since it's Christmas Eve, today's song of the Day is Here Comes Santa Clause 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
Here iswhere you can track Santa to see where he is, when I woke up and checked the tv it said he was in Mongolia.
However I wonder if Santa will be able to make it to my house. I heard he might've gotten arrested.