A new Nintendo IP. (And no, making a bad sports or kart game with existing characters doesn't count.)
whiplash's forum posts
Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition (4 games, not 2)
Eternal Darkness
Beach Spikers
It'll be ported with two more job types, gorgeous hand-drawn cutscenes, and widescreen implementation. Assuming Symphony of the Night never makes it to the PSP, this will be the game the system is remembered for. (It might be a port, but it's really THAT GOOD.)
I would prefer Lumines slightly, only because I don't like the controls for Loco Roco... the tilt controls are really annoying when you're trying to stay on a small platform, and the thunder+little blobs command is really finicky... often you have to press it multiple times, or settle into the right spot, to get it to trigger.
As for Katamari, I really didn't care for it without a second analog stick. It just feels off. (The controls are complicated enough as it is.)
I have two PSPs... one for games and one for homebrew. The homebrew is version 1.5, which actually works with Lumines without requiring a patch/upgrade, so that game is always in my 2nd PSP.
And besides, it's one of the few games my girlfriend will play with me.
All we need now is Castlevania SotN, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Einhander and we've got the greatest handheld ever! (Looking back at that list, damn, Square makes some awesome games!)
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