I get the feeling it's where his dislike for wind turbines come from because we built one off the coast of one of his investments and made it "ugly."
WhiskeyGrey's forum posts
It's a fun little game that mostly relies on it's brand because there isn't a whole lot of content to experience. Doesn't help that they screwed up mouse flight controls between beta and release versions.
Deus Ex Human Revolution comes to mind but it's on a much smaller scale. Can freely wander around the hubs, find side quests, choose how you want to solve them. You will gain experience, level up, find loot, choose how to handle conversations, trade etc. Good FPS/RPG.
If you would be interested in more traditional (turn based, isometric) RPGs then Wasteland 2 is a pretty good one. Post apocalyptic RPG of which the Fallout series is a spiritual successor to (Fallout and Wasteland 1 having been made by the same people). The Shadowrun games are pretty good too, especially Dragonfall and Hong Kong.
Rebel Galaxy is pretty good but you're limited to a 2D plane.
Starpoint Gemini 2 was decent last time I played it. Side quests were a bit uninteresting last time I played but I remember they were going to improve them. There's been a couple expansions since last I played so they may have.
Sure they can. Microsoft can't. Not because they aren't capable of it but because they actively chose not to. They had a perfect opportunity to develop and provide a good gaming and distribution platform. There's plenty of already existing models out there which they could have emulated. Steam, Origin, Uplay, Battle.net etc. but they made the decision to try and control their market and lock down their product and it has suffered terribly as a result.
Pretty good game. Never really felt disadvantaged and you'll always have access to trial mechs. If you go to buy a mech with the in game money it will do you good to research the components because it's easy to screw up your mech build and can find yourself without the funds to fix it without playing with the trial mechs.
@NotoriousJEEBUS: I like Fallout 4 but even by my second playthrough I was noticing how little my choices were making a difference and how few choices I was being given to tackle situations. Also felt like I was playing a character Bethesda created for me rather than playing my own character. Game feels a lot simpler too. I mean I could live without the skills but characters felt like they were decent at everything. Lockpicking, hacking, sneaking, shooting, speaking. Even without upgrading their perks I rarely ever felt like I was missing out on something for not investing in those perks. Too much loot in the game too. Stimpacks, ammo, components, food. Was never in short supply. Auto healing limbs bothered me too. Stimpacks healing limbs were bad enough but I was expecting that after FO3. Most of the minor complaints I have with the game I've fixed with mods but the major issues like poor role playing won't ever be fixed. As I say, it's a fun game. I enjoyed playing it but it was a disappointing RPG and Fallout. I was bored of it after only a couple of playthroughs while I've played Fallout 1 through to New Vegas for years, FO3 included.
Like VR I just found it all a bit gimmicky and really the opposite of what I want from gaming. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day after work and housework is to jump around and waggle my arms about. I just want to sit back, relax and simply play a game.
They have their place for certain titles but for as long as a waggle can be achieved with a simple button press I just can't see it becoming a standard control scheme.
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