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1st platinum

Finally got the COD:WAW platinum after getting extremly frustrated with "Heart Of The Reich". The ast level seemed really easy considering i was still playing on veteran, then after getting the final veteran trophy it was time to re-do all the levels on hardened since that was allowed, didn't take me any more than 2 days really.

Once I got "Hardened War Hero" trophy it was time for the hardest trophy to get which was "Sum Of All Zero's" after i'd say 6 attempts i finally got the target of destroying 45 Japanese Zeroplanes, after getting to the target i got that trophy then immediatly following was the grand prize of the platinum trophy.

Sp with that one now done i wonder what's next my choices are ;

Fallout 3, Unreal Tournament 3, GTA IV, Burnout Paradise, and Street Fighter 4 hmmm