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white_mage12 Blog

Quick Check-Up

Howdy, gang. Checking in since it's been a long time. Lesse...

The new Pokemon games have come out. Can't wait to get my hands on Diamond.
I still haven't beaten FFXII, nor do I plan on it anytime soon because I'm going to have to powerlevel to get out of those swamplands.
I've almost beaten Wild ARMs 4, which is a good game that I highly recommend picking up.
Currently downloading Oblivion for the PC after all the good things I've heard about it.
Christmas rocked. My birthday was February, so I'm now 15.
I have a Wii. :D
I've almost completed Paper Mario 2 so I can buy the new one.

Currently home sick due to stomach illness. :(

Is anyone else having problem posting comments to people's journals? I'm using Firefox and I can't get into the text box (hell, this blog entry keeps messing up on me).

Final Fantasy 12

So, I'm a little while into Final Fantasy 12, and I have to say that I absolutely love it. All of it. Is so. Wonderful.

You have to get it (or at least rent it) right now. It's worth it.

(I'll go into more detail when I have more time. Homework. Ick.)

Oh sweet goodness

*fangirl moment* Oh my god. Oh my god. OHMYGOD.

Guess what just arrived at my doorstep?

...Final Fantasy XII. Four days early.

EEEEEEEEK *squeals*

FORGET Rule of Rose and VP2, I've got FF to play. o__o

/fangirl moment ever

EDIT: Or NOT. They sent me two copies of the guide. What the heck? D:

Rule of Rose: WTF

Okay, I'm trying to play through Rule of Rose. FF12 comes out in like, two weeks, and it usually takes me a while to play horror games. HOWEVER...

I'm on the Bird of Unhappiness, and the game doesn't really seem to support trial and error. I went up to Central Stairway C to try and find the Bird of Happiness, and there were about six rooster-type-things. Anyways, there were about three different paths, two of which were dead ends (I assume that the right path leads you to some sort of safe haven, or at least a way to continue the plot). I took the wrong path twice but those bird things had completely surrounded me, and trying to fight through only made things difficult. It's the things like that which makes me not want to play. I had to shut my game off, losing quite a bit of progress as a result.

Not to mention I'm already too late in acquiring the knives for the rusty sword and the film cans. *head desks*

Does anyone have some sort of advice? I'm pretty sure all the FAQs are in broken English.

Beat KH2

At level 50. Well, 51. I leveled up partway through the battle. Chicken Little was my most used summon. WTF. xD Also, I hope there wasn't a game save option after the battle report, because I shut it off shortly after...

I'm keeping the game so that I can replay it again, but for now I think I'm going to focus on Rule of Rose, even if it is a hunk of junk in the gameplay department. That story better be Fing WORTH IT, 'cause I'm already going to be very careful with future Atlus purchases. 


Hm, a new blog post. I haven't had one of these in 4EBA!11 :P

Okay, onto business. I guess. I still have not beat Final Fantasy 4 for the GBA. This makes me a sad little bunny, because A. the moon is FING HARD, B. FF6 comes out in a few months and C. I have to finish FFX-2 and KH2. I am a sad little bunny.

And Morning Musume has a new single? I think?

And OHMYGOD, dancing Sora. Youtube videos. I wouldn't hit that, though. I mean, I'd seriously cuddle that, but not "hit it." Hell, I'd cuddle it to death.

Clorine is not healthy. I'll just go vanish again...

I hate baseball

I really really do.

Okay, so I bought Mario Baseball. It`s Mario, and everyone`s saying how great it is, but then suddenly when I sit down to play it it`s HORRIBLE. The computer is just ULTRA POWERFUL. They can always get a double right when you need it, and the second you score, they somehow get four points to even it out! This is insaaaaaane O_______O!

Maybe I`m just over-reacting?  The difficulty is probably just set too high. I`ll tone it down when I try again (odds are, it will already be at the easiest setting, in which case God does not exist).

Fun For The DS

I`ve been playing my DS a lot lately. I`ve had to recharge it a few times for hours at a time (usually it`s finished charging in a half hour`s time).

Under The Knife: It`s fun, but oh dear god is it hard. I`m stuck on this one mission and I just can`t beat it. It`s EVIL. The rest of the game will only be harder, too. How very, very scary...

Metroid Pinball: It`s pinball. Fun pinball, though. I unlocked Expert Mode and have been trying to beat it for weeks just to see if it`ll unlock something. I should probably just ask the Gamespot boards but I`ll stick with finding out for myself.

Super Princess Peach comes out in a couple of weeks, whee!  Mario platforming, which is good because I`ve beaten SMB2 Advance about five million times.

Also, FF4 Advance. More on that later.

Also, a big congratulations to Mrs.Xbox on her birthday a few days ago!

illness (font would not let me capitalize)

I`ve been sick the past week. Horrible coughing, fever, throat aches, congestion. I`ve mostly healed by now but I still have the cough and come congestion.

Level 16, this makes me some sort of Magician...thing. o_O

Playing Fatal Frame 3, and in Kei`s next chapter (10) he has a LOT of Type Zero film. He has no use for it, however, so I`ll let it sit there and give it to Rei.

Small update, but life`s been uneventful.

Also, Happy Chinese New Year!
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