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Edited By whodeyzach

I own both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 4. Both are great systems but I definitely prefer the 360. The Xbox is much more user friendly and Xbox Live currently is way better than the PS network even with a $60 price tag. The 360 is the best current console. With that said, when MS came out and made all the restrictions with the Xbox One public I was (as was everyone else) completely turned off. What balls MS has to basically slap gamers in the face. This new development is great news but it still doesn't change the fact that they tried to screw us in the 1st place. The only reason they back-pedaled is because everyone spoke out in disgust. I feel the same as I did when I beat ME3... betrayed. And even with this news, I am still leaning towards a PS4. I will probably end up with both systems but I feel like the PS4 should be my main console now just so I can stick it to MS...

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Edited By whodeyzach

As an owner of both the PS3 and Xbox 360, I play both systems regularly. And I personally feel that Xbox Live overall is far superior to the Playstation Network. So with that said, I don't mind paying $59.99 a year for the Gold membership. Xbox Live is way more user friendly and I personally experience way more problems with online streaming on the Playstation Network.

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Edited By whodeyzach

I can definitely see how someone could become addicted to videogames. I don't think this was really an issue 10+ years ago but the games today are so detailed and complex that its very easy to get sucked in. I personally have put in my fair share of hours into videogames. I play games of all types and own all three systems but I think RPGs are the worst! I've put in around 120 hours into Oblivion and around 70 hours into Fallout 3 alone. You wouldn't put that kind of time into the games of the past. Still, I know when to put the controller down and I never play longer than 3-4 hours at a time. The only problem I see is how are the researchers going to be able to separate videogame addiction from other psychological disorders? And I agree with most of you on this thread that it starts with parenting. I've been playing for 25 years and my parents were always strict as to when and what I was playing. When I brought home bad grades in middle school my parents took my Sega genesis. Good parenting makes all the difference in the world.