I have all 3 x2 atm, regis that is and am going to try to keep getting them by restarting ruby/emerald(oh boy. -_- Also will have duplicates of kygore groudon and rayquaza with this and MIGHT try to farm shiny legendaries from hoenn (not lookin forward to that) Also i would not mind trading any of the pokemon i just mentioned for darkrai/shaymin and arceas but i am currently only interested in darkrai but any will do. and yes i'm willing to trade more than 1 of the listed + hoenn starts and phoines for 1 of those 3
Well if you have or have friends with fr/lg and have the starters up for trade once you get the national dex then i wouldn't mind those, or a growlith/arcanine ekans/arbok. i'll keep you on my roster still
I have both, and i wrote your fc down just tell me what's up for trade and we'll see what we can arrange. Scratch that, I just traded it for dusknoir, but i am in the process of getting another female.
If you got the starters from fr/lg, cyndacuil, and/or totodile, in either evolution form i'll trade those for the three regis, just got regigigas so they are usless now (plus i can re-transfer them). Other wise I'm lookin for the legendaries not included in platinum.
Honestly, any legendary from generation 1 and 2 (except gen. 1 legendary bids) and would like but not getting hopes up, for shaymin and darkrai(more or less darkrai).
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