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School stinks right now....

For those that don't know, I'm a history ed major in college. The workload this semester is almost unbearable. I'm currently reading 5 books at one time. I have a paper due in class tomorrow that I haven't finished. I have a test next Monday. I have to finish another book by next week plus a book I'm 1/3rd of the way done with by Thursday. And before anybody says it, yes I know I'm on here and could be doing my work but I need a break sometimes. I don't even have time to play my Wii right now. I did play Guitar Hero for about thirty minutes this afternoon between classes. Hopefully after this weekend I'll have a little more free time. Anyways....back to the grind.

I started a Union....

So guys, if you are going to be active, and I mean at least posting at a minimum of few times a week, do join the union. Its called The Nintendo Fans Dream Union. Just find it in my unions. But remember, be active. I can't stress that enough. Thats why I started one in the first place. Hope to see you there.

I Beat No More Heroes.....

Last night I finished off the last boss on No More Heroes. The game was a good play. I plan to replay it at least once soon to do all the side missions and so fourth. I'd like to see SUDA announce a sequel to the game. The boss fights were something new. They made you think on the fly and adjust your fighting strategy. And if a sequel is announced, please be longer and add more to the free roam aspect SUDA.

Well, I was going to post a NMH review....

But I think everybody has the gist of what they are getting into with the game. So I'll leave it to the professional's to review it for you. I will say though that it is a very unique gaming experience and is worth every penny I paid for it. I hope SUDA has plans for a sequel because I'm halfway done with the game and I know after I beat it I will want some more. The gameplay is great and slicing up cronies never gets old no matter how repetative it is. My only complaint with the game is the free roam aspect. I wish they would have put a little more into it. But I'm not going to complain like IGN. All in all, GREAT GAME!

No More Heroes So Far....

So far, No More Heroes is outstanding. The game is everything it was cracked up to be. I'm currently ranked number 8 on the assasins list. I've got to slow myself down or I will beat this game too fast without getting all the t shirts and doing the side quests. If you have any doubts about the game, put them to rest. The 9.0 rating from Gamespot is legit. GO BUY NO MORE HEROES NOW!

1 More Day

Well I, as I'm sure a few others were, was under the impression that you could pick up No More Heroes today. But alas, I was informed by the guy behind the counter at Gamestop that today was the ship day and tomorrow was the release. I was a little disappointed but I went ahead and forked out the $49.99 plus tax for the game and ensured I would have a copy when it got there (not that they are gonna run out). So, one more day until Travis Touchdown makes his debut on my TV screen. Stay tuned for the review.

No More Heroes Thoughts

Unless you have been living under a rock the past year or so, you know that No More Heroes comes out on Tuesday, January 22nd. The ultra violent fighting game looks to be getting very positive feedback from all game sites and looks to be a must have title for the Wii. I'll be picking this game up hopefully on the same day it comes out. If you are undecided as to whether or not to get the game, I'll try my best to write a review to give you the basics of the gameplay and how I like it. Stay tuned as I'll try to get it up within a few days of getting the game.