Im with you on this one! Games have bcome boring even K2!!
wiiandps3owner's forum posts
I have ordered the game and i am really worried as i have read so many different stories about the problems people have had!!!!!
My friends crashed in the middle of the main story so he was unable to finish the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But got my fingers crossed that i dont come across any!!!!
just got back from seeing hell boy 2 at the cinema.
It was better than the first one the CGI was good with some nice touches.
But i have to say that the story was slow and the end was the most cheesiest moment of the whole film.
if you liked the first its worth a go!!
Got to get:
Killzone 2
Madden 09
Res 2 (not to keen on 1st)
Brothers in arms hells high way (looked good depends on the reviews!!)
I have xmas money to spend yey for me.
anyway i am short of sports games and is madden 08 worth getting??????
and is thr frame rate really bad???
psn: jonnygonagetu
Could i import a dualshock 3 into Europe and would it work????
Asi live in the UK its crap as everything has to be translated into the other billion languages before us Englishspeaking lot get it, later than the USA.
If you could read it says it MAY BE OUT IN JAN HOPEFULLY!!!!
After some searching for about 4 seconds i found a post on the ubisoft Haze forums.
this shows that the only reason that we all think that Haze was originally coming out in 07 was because of mistakes made by the online shops not ubisoft, but they would say that wouldnt they! :D
And that the game is coming out Q1 of 08 so it looks like it could be out in January!!!!!!!!!! AT LAST
this is good news for all!
This was postedin December so info may of changed
dont shoot the messenger
PSN: jonnygonagetu add me and you can join my clan on cod4 ncfc!!
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