The other day, I was over at a friend's house. I was looking through games and I came across one, Battlefield: Bad Company. When I was about to leave, I asked if I could borrow it. He said sure, so I went home and played it. Why hasn't anyone told me that it's really this much fun? It has a much different feel than other shooters, and for me, a nice change in pace. And to top it all off, vehicles! I miss those things, not that common are used that much, but that's entirely different. Bad Company also has this that sets it apart, and makes the game extremely realistic, buildings that can be razed.(or at least come close to it)Camping behind walls are no longer as safe as they used to be =). I'm probably going to buy it tomorrow on games on demand, for 20 dollars with what you get, if you don't already own it, you should definitly go get it, or at least try it!
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