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New Games and #9-1 SNES Games

Hey peeps. Picked up some new games this weekend. Got Empire Total War, Napoleon Total War, and Killing Floor for PC all of which are awesome. Also picked up Pokemon White today, playing that now. And here's the rest of my SNES list.

9.) Super Mario All-Stars

Not an original game of course, but an amazing deal if anything. You get all of the original mario's, with upgraded graphics for the price of 1 SNES game. Plus a saving system.

8.) Super Metroid

I'm not a die-hard Metroid fan, otherwise this would have been higher up, but this is still the best metroid game. Prime ain't got nothing on this game.

7.) Super Mario World

The last true mario platformer in 2d, this is one of the best mario games out there. Although it's extremely easy and can be beaten in a matter of hours, it still is fun to try to find all the secrets and collectibles.

6.) Super Mario RPG

Although my copy of this amazing game died recently, and I have yet to replace it, this is a unique stray away from the original mario formula, and it pays off. Much like Paper Mario, this game is one of favorite mario games.

5.) Final Fantasy II/III

I love both of these game equally, and they are generally the same thing, so I put them together. These games have deep stories that suck you in and you can't stop playing until you beat it. A good addition to any collection.

4.) Legend of Zelda: ALTTP

My 3rd favorite zelda game behind Ocarina and Majora's, but the best 2D zelda in my opinion. I like the whole exploring aspect, but you aren't totally lost 100% of the time like in the first Zelda for NES. It actually tells you where to go.

3.) Donkey Kong Country 3

The worst of the DKC trilogy, but by far still a good game. I didn't really feel the magic of the other two DKC's in this one. But the music was awesome in this one.

2.) Donkey Kong Country 2

Nostalgia trip for this game. Used to play this with my older cousins all the time. Memories aside, this is still an awesome looking platformer. And the soundtrack is the 2nd best I've ever heard in a video game.

1.) Donkey Kong Country

Best SNES game by far for me. I've beaten this game over 10 times and I still make speedruns all the time on my old trusty Super Nintendo. No beting this game. Only Donkey Kong game better than this for me is DK64, but that was my first game ever, so it obviously has a special place in my heart. Well thanks for reading everybody!