I just decided to make this blog cause i don't really know what else to do on my computer. My Blog will probably be focusing on video games. My favorite video game is Final Fantasy X. It's the only game i gave a perfect ten, so yes, i am kida a tough critic, but, FFXII made me cry. I was so dissapointed. I really like FFVII also, and in my opinion, that game showed people how to make adventure games. FFVII is a historic video game. My two favorite video game systems are the Nintendo Wii and XBox 360. The Nintendo wii has to have the most amazing sports games I've played. And with my love for sports, that's what makes the nintendo wii so special. The XBox 360 has the most amazing graphics ever. Though I don't have much experience with the 360 since I got it about 2 months ago, I do like XBox Live very much. With the XBox in mind, I downloaded a demo of Star Wars: The force UNLEASHED and it is very UNLEASHED! The game is seriously destructive. When I played the demo i was playing as a nameless powerful sith apprentice and Darth Vader told him to destroy everything in sight! I loved the demo. All I really did was throw my lightsaber at people, choke, slice, throw, and more. I was amazed at all of the things you can destroy. Sept. 16 it comes out i think. If you look at my ratings, and look at my favorite to least favorite, not all of them are true. here are mytop 10: 1: Final FantasyX 2: Final Fantasy VII 3: The Legand of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 4: Super Smash Bros. Brawl 5: Super Mario Galaxy 6: Mario Super Sluggers 7: Wii Sports 8: F- Zero GX 9: Kingdom Hearts II 10: Custom Robo I know my blog is short for now, but I will come back and write more soon.
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