Cant Stop Playing
by wilard34 on Comments
I bought CV: Portrait of Ruin 2 months ago on a whim looking for a good DS game to pass the time on the train rides to school. Unfortunatly for me I didnt relize what a fantastic series Castlevania is. Ive always known about it but never really sat down and gave it the time it deserved. So, after beating P.O.R. I started it on hard mode looking to complete it 100% and while doing that I purchased Dawn of Sorrow. What a mind blowing game! Again I was hooked, after beating that I bought Aria of Sorrow for GBA, which is good but not quite as good as D.O.S. So now I'm waiting for the delivery of Circle of The Moon and Harmony of Dissonance, both which I ordered online. I'm trying to hold myself over with the new Pheonix Wright but it doesnt seem to working! Hopefully they get here soon!