(Topic meaning: Control over Variant Evil Nerd Air Noises Trouble)
In the mission THE ARK:
Grunt 1 : It's a nightmare!
Grunt 2 : Should we come out of cover?!
Grunt 1 : When has "us" looking for "it" EVER been a good idea
Grunt 3: Rukt......Fist..... Merry Christmas
While the marines and chief move:
Marine 1: Dude, i think i leveled up.
While chief kill all grunts and brutes:
War Grunt 1: I'm not chasing it, It looked ferocious.
War Grunt 2: Ready to go out there?
Grunt 1: What if they're still there?
War Grunt 1: Don't cower back there!!!!!!!! COME AND FIGHT!!!!!!
Grunt 1: But, don't make the demon angry.
War Grunt 2: I'm out the here. Yay! i'm a gay!!!!!
Brute 1: Use your eyes..... Stay alert. No one sleeps but me.
Grunt 5: You're a Meaty pussbags!
Brute 1: He's going to trap us. I'm the leader you idiots. I will tear your bones and flesh with my teeth.
Grunt 1: No gas for you! You killed Flipyap!
Grunt 2: Or Yapflip was he......
Grunt 3: It was Yapflip.
Grunt 4: No, Flipyap is he's brother.
Grunt 5: Don't tell me i don't know Flipyap.
Grunt 1: Flipyap and I went to Nipple Academy together!
Grunt 3: and he and he's dead.
Grunt 2: Open up and say "AH"
Grunt 3: AH!!!!!
Grunt 2: Not you, Idiot.
Grunt 3: So what? I'm becoming the demon!
Grunt 4: WHAT!!!!
Grunt 1: No,no,no!!!! Here he is! FLEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Grunt 6: Hi guys, what's u AAAAAAAAAAAAH, the grenade stuck in you. I can't move!
Grunt 7: -Snoring- huh, what.......is.....that? AAAAAAAH, the grenade stuck on me!
Brute 1 to Grunt 7: Don't tell me. Here, I'll help you.
Brute 1 and Grunt 7: -BANG-
Grunt 1 to all: NO! the grenade flashes to Porky (Grunt 7) and Kirant (Brute 1)
Grunt 1,2,3,4,5,6: We'll be in the graveyard.
Grunt 5: What?
Grunt 1 to chief: Please don't kill me. I beg you
Grunt 2: -yelling Gibberish-
Grunt 1,2,3,4,5,6: -yelling more gibberish.
That's it.
Notes and Information:
Flipyap name was from the show "The Marvelous MisAdventures of FlapJack" from Cartoon Network, Flapjack was to be supposed to be the name of Grunt 8 (Sorry Grunt 8 or Flipyap was not in the lines).