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Welcome to Quakelive

Introduction into Quakelive

Ok guys and girls,
Just here to tell you a bit about a PC game Quakelive Movie. My name is Carl Wilson aka williebobc, I'm from the UK (Manchester). I play alot of Quakelive and have alot of experience in running leagues and cups for the Quake community. In recent times, I've played quite a lot and I hope to share with you know a little of what I know about it. Oooh..... and by the way Quakelive is free online at QuakeLive .

So....... Quake live is a very fast paced, FPS PC game made by a company called ID Software. In my opinion the game is one of the most skilled games there is to date. I think Quake has alot of potential and hope to encourage more young gamers in to the mix. It doesn't matter about your gaming background but if you have played other games like CoD (Call of Duty) UT (Unreal Tournament) or CS (Counterstrike), I believe you will have a very big advantage over the other new players. To get started in Quakelive you will need to learn the basics, so I advise you to go read this thread .. Click Me!, this will give you a brief idea of how the game plays and what it's about.

Quakelive also has tier levels so dont worry, you will not play people who are that much better than you, it will be players with similar skill and although it may not seem it at first just keep trying, if you keep practising youll get better. You will notice the tier increase for your skill level and from that will know that your getting better. Quakelive can be a really competitive game, but it can also be great fun. If you want to come play Quake for fun ... we have a few modes that will be perfect for you. Freeze tag is a very easy and fun game to learn, it is not as fast as the other game modes which you might encounter. Freeze tag is a team game, any number from 2 to 10 per team can play.... so what do you actually do? You start by entering a public server and are spawned in a level, on a variety of maps, with your team possibly on comms (microphone talking to your team) which will make it even better and more exciting to play. You run around trying to frag each other, when you have died, you will freeze into ice and be stood still... it's basically tig but with a varitey of guns to select to freeze your opponent =P once frozen you are stuck until one of your team mates sees you and shouts your position and comes to the rescue to thaw you out. The game continues until all players of either team are frozen and then the other team wins the round...go check it out.

Ok, now for a faster paced game mode which is also very fun to play, with a similar idea to freeze tag, called Clan Arena..... It's basically a team mode where 2-10 players are on the same team with or without comms. Difference being that once you have been fragged (killed) you are not able to play the rest of the round, last man standing wins and the first team to reach 10 rounds wins the match, this game mode is really good for the beginners to learn, it is a good way to impove your aim, awareness and learn all the maps.

Once you have played a little and have got a few skills in the bag and a good understanding of maps and weapons you are able to go to the next mode, Duel. Duel is really what it says on the tin, it's a face off between 2 players. There are healths and armours around the map to refill your depleted "stack" (health+armour count) the idea behind it is, who scores the most wins, in a ten minuite round. So, as you run around the map you'll realise that the opponent is getting everything, I mean your hitting damage but the guy never dies, well...... he's one step ahead of you and this is where the skill of the game really comes into play. What he is doing is timing the items . You might not be used to picking up weapons, health and armour. So I'll let you know a few things, the blue health bubble that spawns on some maps is the "MEGA" (megahealth) this will bump up your health by +100 and will count back down slowly. The red armour will give you +100 and the yellow armour will give you +50 there are also other items on the map but there not going to give you substantial health or armour increase so at this time it really isn't important on knowing their times. The "MEGA" will spawn every 35 secondes on nearly all maps, red and yellow armour is 25 seconds weapons spawn every 5 seconds so it's not to imprtant to remember the times but try to deny your opponent their best weapon by locking off an area off the map... you'll learn this stuff as you get better so don't worry.

Now you have mastered timing and and know all about keeping a high stack and staying alive..... So it's time to take on the really comepetitive modes. CTF/TDM (Capture the Flag/Team Death Match). In these modes you will find it hard but like at the start with CA you'll find you start to pick it up.

CTF is a really enjoyable for anyone watching live, played as 4v4 CTF really does show what Quakelive is all about, the skill in movement and aim which most have picked up along the way come to full effect here... in CTF its a simple idea, keep your flag safe and get the enemy flag to your base without dying using the audio communication. You will have to be on your toes and aiming for the skies, using team play as a real base of the game will really make your team come out victor. Also in the mode you may come across a Power Up, Power Ups can vary in what they do.... but spawn every 2 minuites, giving you 3x damage (quad) they will help you smash through the on coming opponent "no problem" but "watch out", you can still recieve damage as normal and you won't last long with a direct rocket to the face. Regen - regen is really a health bubble but while you carry it your health will always go up to the max amount of health (200), this is a nice powerup as you can survive the most dangerous attacks, just watch out for quad yeah and dont forget your power up will only last for a short time.

It's now going to get real serious. TDM is a fun mode, but it's not to be taken lightly. Taking you to the most skilled and extensive mode in Quakelive and certainly the most highly sought afer. Here will be a real test in all you have learned from all the modes along the way. Needing to know how to time not only items (MEGA/armour) but now weapons too. Weapons now spawn every 30 seconds and to lose a weapon is a really bad move in this game type because you'll prbably not have another for 20-30 seconds unless you know the exact time one will spawn. TDM is a mode in which you can't be aggressive as you never know what stack your opponent may have. Timing all items, you will learn to master each level one at a time getting better and reaching the top tier, maybe not the tip of the top but close enough to start to roll on that level. Don't forget what I said in the beginning "some players have played the quake series for over 15 years " and it will take alot of time to master.

After looking at some brief guides and movies or maybe reading this post, you may now see how fast and how skilled the game looks and how skilled it is. It may feel like your not good enough to play as the game is just too hard to learn, well let me tell you something "your wrong". All players that come to Quake Live struggle to get started due to the very high skill cap the game has.... you see some players have played the Quake series for over 15 years and like sport it has a community, fanbase and alot of coverage and media put out by it. But this doesn't mean you can't learn, you can easily ask people you meet for tips and hints, some will and some won't dont worry as in real life some people like to help some don't, but .... don't be put off asking others because if you do (get put off) then you will decrease your chance to learn that little bit faster.

Just a reminder, Quakelive doesn't have to be competitive, it could be just for fun... but most players that get to this level will start to try these new modes out in a competitive fashion and no doubt, if you have found quakenet(irc) by now you'll have heard of and seen (on stream) the tip of the top of Quakelive's player base. I'm sure you (by this time)will be wanting to take part in some leagues and cups very soon, you might even join a pro team "if your good enough!" Just remember, all this is my opinion, and some people will like one game mode over another, It's taken me 2 years to go through the process above and I have improved immensely. Quake to me is a has the stars, community, fanbase, leagues, cup's tournament's and live streams to boot. You might want to have a go at winning some prizes or just enter to see how good you are.
Hope you enjoyed my intro and see you on the servers, williebobc.

Anyone reading this and wanting to know more, please feel free to email me or contact me on quakenet irc (google).

bye bye crt's =0(

ok so everyone used to have a crt and we all know the colous on then is completley outrageous =0)

know i have i new samsung 2233rz (gaming monitor)and to be honest at low fps games this monitor rulse! but when compared to my old iiyama 514 pro vision which has now died R.I.P. =p which did a fantastic true 120 hz in i think it was 1280 by 768 which is unmatched at that res my new monitor does apparently 120 hz in full res (1680 by 1050)but for all those crt lovers out there who play quake =0) and need true 120 hz then this monitor sucks! but for every other game i play it is really smooth and good!!the aspectratio isn't very nice (to me anyway) and when playing quake trying to do 120hz its just aweful i mean you dont just get the odd split you get them in diagonal lines ofsquares =0( ino very veryvery poor but i suppose the space is a good thing,splits arewith or without vsync.

so i just wanted to know what monitors people have choosen now there old crts have failed them and weather or nort they have found a new lcd that rocks for them.i suppose all those who dont play high fps games wont care but if you stood my old crt next to my new monitor you really see how crappy the best lcd colour is! and i dont understand why we settle for less and pay more as crts cost more to make but lcd prices are still higher in price for no way near matched perfomance even tho they are alot cheaper to make +ship combined

so questions to people

what monitor did you used to have ?

what you have know?

what you would like now?

what do you! think is better lcd /crt ?

my i7 rig

was asked to post my rig so here go's

Thermaltake Armour case £160

Thermaltake 1500 psu £230

gigabyte extreme x58 mobo £265

3 x2gb 1600 mhx ocz gold edt £112

i7 920 3.67ghz in turbo mode via bios standard £235

zotac gtx295 1.8gb mem £420

ocz ssd 30 gb hdd£70

sata2 1t hdd £100

samsung 2233rz 22" monitor £250

and the prices were what i paid when the parts come out

where can i find a good site for demo's

where can i find a site with the latest demo's

im sick of getting games that suck, tbh and just wounderd where i can find the latest demo's so i can try before i buy anyone got any tips or info on where to find them and please dont say google as i no all about it and its my friend lol but would like to get one site that gets them all =0) if thats possible oh and i no gamespot does alot but speeds are crappy lol

bioshock 2

so biosock 2 on its way and to be honest cant wait..... how many of you have been waiting too long for this?

lucky really that cod is coming soon or id have nothing to play lol not too sure on the multiplayer tho from what iv seen, is this just me? or is anyone else thinking the same, lets just hope its good fun and challenging in multiplayer.Then ill be happy... but im just waiting to play the single player and as long as that rocks then i guess ill be happy =0) and wont think i wasted my money as the 1st one was very different and new style fps,Now as this is number 2..... i dont think that this fact will help the game be better as now iv had this experience before! but hopefully they have improved and added enough to entice me into a little more of bioshock =0)