Alright so I just got a $50 PSN card (at long last) and I'm trying to decide what to buy. Right now I am interested in wipeout HD, ff7 and the mgs addon for LBP. I was wondering what you guys thought I should get, maybe you know of some games that I don't or you just think a certain game is really worth getting. Any ideas would be awesome. Oh and I have like 40 ps3 games so I've probably got a game you think I should get an addon for. Oh Oh and I was thinking of getting big surf island as well but I've already played burnout for well over 120 hours and I don't know if I could stand to play it any more, unless of course it had trophies.... I'm kind of a trophy "enthusiast" (actually I'm a huge trophy wh***) so trophies could determine what I buy :)
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