ole- playing (R.P.G) games are not that easy game genre to master, some my not even know what to do when starting to play such a game, I know due to my newbie experience when I started In this genre long time ago with The Legend of the Dragoons and Final Fantasy VII, imagine I did not know about Leveling and even did not save the file, because in the back of my head thinking that I can play this game and finish it within 2 to 3 hours, well all the years of mastering the tai chi of R.p.g gamming, here's what I learn to remember, important stuff to know when playing such a game, here's my ABC for role playing
- Arms, Armor, Alchemy,
The basic of all is to arm your self with the best items you can find in the early stage, and to get the most powerful weapon in the ending. There is no way you can bring your starting weapon to defeat the final Boss, so always upgrade or purchase new stronger weapons when they come by, another thing is since Dark Cloud, alchemy seems to be the flavor of how to upgrade a weapon or armor so make sure you familiarize your self with the ingredients or the path for the Ultimate Weapons and Armors.
-Battle System
Getting familiar with the Battle system of the game is very crucial to winning every battle, and earning quick exp points, some RPG, have a slow turn base system, and some are more into action type of game play, so knowing what to do, and going thru the tutorials are sometimes boring but will benefit you in the later stage.
-Character Check
Normally the main character should be the strongest, Wrong! If you only focus all the attention to the main character or some, you will eventually loose out on some important back up later on, so Getting to know the strength and most important the weakness of your character's. Knowing what they can do, their **** special abilities, will make you the unstoppable party ever, plus you will enjoy the game more, coz your getting to know the who are you Role playing as
-Dungeon crawling
Another important aspect to remember is the, Leveling system of the game, so you won't be wasting time in killing low exp monsters, spend some time in leveling your character up tweaking your stats the right way, is a key factor to remember to, will get you ready for battles and you will die less
The world of R.P.G's are base of huge places to move around to, sometime the game maker hide's stuff, important items from you is hidden in places where a normal player would go, or is hidden from the eye view point, so moving, checking ever nook and cranny of the map will always reward you with excellent rare item's for you to use.
Knowing your foe's is a special aspect, where you need to know what it's element of weakness are, in order for you to take it down in one blow, sometimes your foe's are immune to some sort of element and feeding it with such will make him more stronger, so the basic is to go against it, light against dark, fire against water etc etc
-Guides, FAQ, Walkthrus
It's like they say if you can't beat them join them, but not really join but at least get some help, sometime some people out there who is playing the same game as you have already archive stuff that you just can't get pass, so it's no harm in taking some hints in to how or where the stuff can be located, just as long as you don't cheat you will be fine
- Hours
Playing such game, are addictive and will take hundreds of hours to complete, sometimes even more, but just make sure you keep track of your time and get some rest, learn how to put down the analog stick and save some juice for tomorrow, I've tried to play an RPG while I was tired, did not have much fun, coz I couldn't concentrate and keep forgetting what to do, So learn how to save and stop,
hope I did not make any mistakes, or left out any pointers, if I did feel free to add you RPG fan you....