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Lucas Arts - Are you mental? Remake X-Wing. NOW!!


So this old PC game was what catapulted me from being a casual take it or leave it gamer into a "I need to game now" gamer. It's that simple. Started with a Spectrum 128k, Commodore 64 (with the separate tape deck), Amiga 500 and then into the console ghetto. But after playing X-Wing on a friends dads PC one summer holiday...my life flipped and washing cars for pocket money went out with the soapy water. I was broke but I didn't care as I could cruise the galaxy far far away in an A-wing, X-wing or a gunship Y-wing!

Not owning a PC, after X-Wing I went back to my casual gaming but was left with a hollow feeling like a Mojito with no mint. That was over 15 years ago now and after the years passed of beautiful gaming, Golden eye, GT, next gen consoles, online gaming, GTA, COD & Uncharted to name a mere few. Above all this, I still long for the simple, outer space, screeching tie fighters, red blue lasers, missiles & deflector shield cocktail that this game delivered. The weird thing is I don't even play sci-fi games. Monsters, zombies & aliens are all cold water for my gaming chubbie. And I'm not even crazy about the whole Star Wars thing either. I just want this game back.

Please everyone and anyone who sees this, be you town cryer, pet shop worker who bags fish or burger flipper John Smithson. Please copy and paste and post to any blog that you think might get the ragged short attention of some developer whos thinking what the next big seller will be. Drink some Tiger blood and remake X-Wing for consoles at least! Winning! How much money would it make?...lots. DLC options would be huge! Online could be epic. Why hasn't anyone done this already!? Can anyone tell me that? Or am I alone in this bubble of white stars and hyperspace laced infinity.

I am on a mission to see this game on consoles and I may even put pen to paper to see if Lucas Arts can give me a simple explanantion just to get some furniture for the empty room in my brain that says X-Wing on the door. It's been empty so long that the current games are merely the squatters next door.

End of rant. Thanks for reading.

October, 2014.... Still no X-Wing.....

Sept, 2015 - Battlefront!!!!!!! DICE you beautiful sons a bitches!!!!