Jennifer Aniston I disagree. I disagree so much that I had to make a thread about it (and, of course, get other opinions). I'd sooner vote Liz Taylor or Audrey Hepburn or this kind of SUPER girls. I mean, apparently it wasn't just looks, but being "real" (whatever that means). Both Liz and Audrey lived full, rich lives. Who would you vote? And seriously, does ANYONE agree that JAniston is the hottest woman of all time?
I've either had a girlfriend, or been completely single on V Day. Nothing in between. But I just started dating this chick. Met her a couple weeks ago, and went on a couple of dates. Now here's the do you go about V Day in this situation? Don't wanna come off too strong, but don't wanna look like a douche, and do nothing. Is a nice necklace the way to go? Any other good ideas? Share your almighty wisdom HCAF.
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