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2006 on in my sight!!-I'm ready!!

I have alot of good things planned for 06 , in the gamming field I have alot plannned first I need a HD screen that can function as a computer screen --next I need a to rack up the few reamaining ps2 "must have" games (before the I get a ps3 and xbox 360)namely:-

-MGS3 subsistence

-we love katamari

-Devil may cry3 special edition

-Final fantasy 12

-and also kindom hearts 1 and 2

I really need to finish all the pc games I have including UT2004 quake4 diablo2 so I can get warcraft 3 battlechest next christmas.I am going to be a busy gamer this year I also plan to get serious with my pc game group and get a case for my pc so I can attend the lan parties.

This year I will get xbox360 games and propably one or two ps3 games next year I will get more ps3 games.(I am very conseous about my budget and won't overspend  in case an emmergency hits--I am patient)

I will also work harder in school and will  make sure that I can get this money before summer time.Otherwise I am very optimistic about this year.I hope all goes well-and that the few bad things to happen won't slow me down too much.

good luck to us all-yay!

what are you guys planin????