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Are MMO's killing the game industry??

just wondering coz I've been playing MMO's rather addictively for the past half year; and i hav'nt touched any of my other games.
Like i said in my other post, MMO's demands peoples full attention and because of that (and it's addictive nature) people tend to stick to one game rather than a bunch of really exciting ones that they may have some slight intrest in.

The reason I think this may harm the game industry is that people will keep playing the same old games for months at atime look at me i've been playing guild wars and now i'm onto wow(note that i don't represent the average american gamer) but being the observant gamer you are , you can see that my point is valid.I have not touched any of my other games and they all seem to pale in comparison to the excitement and attraction that is gaining experience and developing unique characters that MMO"s do.

So what happens?? peeople play the same games for months , negelect their other games , they don't buy other games and just sit their doing nothing!!(playing MMO's).This would slow down the gamming market because it takes a long time for one to get over MMO's coz their are specially designed to enhance their staying power.With stuff like holiday events speciall weekend events like GW hadsome speciall scroool drop weekend and green drop weekends , where you can further enhance your charcters with special items dropped from enemy monstors.

They also contiualy enhance the games with new content and features like new weapon skins new armor , and in effect sometimes keep remaking the game to keep their staying power strong.

I personally think their awesome but no doubt will have some effect on the industry.By the way Blizzard is back at number one this week with WOW and many say it's due to the southpark episode that had a heavy wow influence(you can check it out on you tube)So that means even more people are buying wow!!
what is your opinion hmmm??
(ohh and by the way I hit lvl 21 today yay!!! )