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Could I don better???--a note on bad game choices

Like I mentioned earlier I just got a new psp and immediately went on a game buying spree and spent a scary amount of the green stuff.I am so far happy with some of the games I got but some were just aweful descisions.

I am not a picky gamer and hate selling my games but I do like my games to be playable!!.I bought these games.

->armored core formula front ,lumines ,ape escape academy,coded arms and wipeout pure.The games were awesome at first but ape escape was completely unplayable coz it was full of hard mini games which were short and therefore could'nt get the hang of it .Coded arms would have been nice if it had controls that I could use--If it was on the pc then ok but the psp controls are'nt for it.

So I wasted no time in trading in apeescape for megaman maverick x which unfourtunately is also extremely hard and has enemies which you cannot shoot and come down on you from above--I am not a critic by default  so I will give it some more time to see what it has to offer.But I think I will return coded arms.

I think my descision has also been influenced by the number of good games coming out for the ps2 like mgs subsistence,final fantasy 12 and onimusha dawn of dreams.So it makes me think sometimes that why should I waste my time with substandard hard games when I can invest in some killer apps coming out very soon??? what do you think??? does this selling/reselling conflict cofront you sometimes??