Got my new monitor!!!
by winnazdaluza on Comments
I must aadmit It looks awesome and it is big.I't certainly bright and but not really as clear as my CRT.but it's the size that matters.(I think??)Anyway I feel as if I am getting lazy agin I should try t pick up the pace and do some more work on my computer--mycousins video still needs editing , my website is still under construction and I still havnt gotten anywhere with with grapghics editing programs--I REALLY need to pick up the pace and quit SLACKING.I usually love doing lots of things it keeps me intelligent and creative.By the way speaking of finish stuff I have to finish megaman TONIGHT.(I love capital letters -I'm a capitalist)I can't believe I quit on the boss(I bet he's really mad--I can imagine Megaman maverick hunter walking up to sigma-after clearing through several nasty stages and going "nah your not worth it" and walk away.)Yeah and I have to keep track of these blogs too.-I also gotta remove apeescape from my psp games owner list coz it sucked