Currently my USB mouse has been acting up(going off and on ).It's been taking some time out in the middle of gameplay which if I 'm playing something fast paced like unreal 2004.makes it hard to deliver my original brand of pure ownage across the network.I have also had to give up guildwars after I let down my team members several times --my worst perormance was when I had to just give up and run around trying to heal myself all the while letting my team get owned .My mouse aparently was'nt good quality.-come to think of it it was pretty crappy.--> in the first place it's got one button which swivels from side to side depending on which botton you wanna press.As a result when I first got it I had a hard time playing quake 4 because the right mouse button toggles the zoom--so instead of shooting the monstors all I would get is a front row seat to my demise!!!
Anyway I have had my eye on logitechs G7 mouse for some time--it's wireless and incredibly responsive-the ultimate gamers mouse .The problem is that it is also incredibly expensive, so it might be sometime till I get it, but I'm okay in the meantime.I also think that because I have used a crappy mouse ,it will make it all the more better for me to appreciate the G7 mouse in all it's perfection when I do get it.
Another piece of bad news was the postponment of guilty gear judgement which was supposed to come out may1st.The guy at gamestop said it was coming on sept 1st--obviously I did not believe him as that sounded too far fetched .But alas! it was true (well at least according to the gamestop and ebgames website)Every body on the guilty gear judgement board was pretty upset.-Well at least the importers were not too disappointed.
At least one good thing happened today:)--I managed to get my pal kenny(kenneth140 on gamespot ) his much overdue birthday present--a copy of GTA san andreas plus the brady guide to it.I will try to think of a way to suprise him,--> he is crazy about vice city.He's been having problems starting his gamespot account but hopefully this will keep him busy as gamespot continues to solve it's bugs.
wow that's alot for one week good luck to all those on finals plus If you get time you can check out my second video below about my favorite bits of oblivion.It's a bit short and it does not have what I call spoilers . I have tried not give away too much.Oblivion has alot to offer.!!--Have a terrific week people!!
(I will post the oblivion video later on today)