Hey fellas it's a whole new me
by winnazdaluza on Comments
I decide to do a little spring cleaning and throw out the other stuff. same old me but diffrent package .I am also affected by exams this week --till the middle of next week .So i'll also be absent for sometime. My comp also recently flatlined on me so it just sits there like a good paperweight.--good thing it's a micro ATX so it's small. I think the prob is with the mother board but I'll get a total overhaul anyway(despite the modest ditest from my credit card). So the parts arrive nbtwn this week and next--luckily I have the exams to keep me busy.I am also waiting for more bleach* episodes to come up. So patince is the keyword this week(Although I am glads I got my DSL back-even though I have to use my room mates comp.) I really can't wait for next week --my posts shall be fewer this week have a great week fellas!!!!! what are you guys doing......??