Me again sorry for being too far from my keyboard --or rather gamespot coz I've been actually glued to my keybord due GW as you can see in my xfire banner above me.
My guild members and I have been trying other games most of em betas like silkroad, gunz and hero.Personally I can't say I'm crazy bout beta testing or playing betas either!!which propably aren't good , so i tried silkroad and was'nt impressed I hav'nt bothered much with hero nor gunz but my guild mebers have gobled them up like crazy. In fact I'm now the only member of my guild who is exclusively on Guldwars full time--I've just had no reason to leave!!!
Otherwise someone started an interesting topic on the GW forum asking why gamespot placed guildwars under an MMORPG yet it's not.--The*fanboy* was clearly brainwashed into thinking anything that doesn't resemble wow is'nt an MMORPG so after a number of lines and a few flames it was conclude that Guildwars was a hybrid MMORPG and not in the least bit as traditional as everquest and WOW.
We'll this week I came across a 10 day subsription to wow which I intend to try out and see what all the fuss is about.So I try to be as unbiased as possible(by the way warcraft3 is tops of my list of RTS's)So it will be an interesting week.So that's all for now-->wish me luck as I also go for an interview tommorrow for a new higher paying summer job!!!