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I lost Medea!!

(we'll almost!!)she had been downloading a huge 28 gig file from the internet and when I checked on her after a week --she was gone!!!(sorry for keeping you in suspense medea is my 160 gig external hardrive) She was not responding and did not show up in my "my computer" window.I tried for several times to reconnect her and turn her off and on but nothing worked. Luckily she came back online after an hour's rest.She had been running hot lately especially coz I cut her fan since it was just too noisy.I love my PC and all 7 of it's drives (Castor , Polux, Promithius, Valeris Aegeus and Theseus and finally Medea) I have run out of IDE connectors and I am now using sata connectors.I might be getting a 300 gig hardrive soon but I wonder what I'll call him(or her) The weirdest thing happened this week , (I really consider my self to be kinda a sony fanboy) but this week felt very disatisfied with my psp.I therefore after much contemplation traded it in.--> for what you say?? FOR A DSlite.This is really bad I wonder what the guys on the psp union will think of me. I have forsaken them ,I have betrayed their trust(I hope non the members are reading this blog) I guess that's enough shock and awe for now . I'll write more when it's clear(gotta go hide)