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I'M BACK(again) BIGGER BADDER BETTER (adjectives galore) than ever!!!

So i've been MMo'ng alot lately especially WOW and GW it's been especially good since both are expecting expansions this fall (collectors editions especially) and unfourtunately i can only afford one expansion.

(i decided on the wow  one)

If sunk alot of time and experience into Guildwars enough to be called a guild wars freak and have taken a break recently to get into Wow.

yup i finally got into wow it tends to be very rewarding but at the same time annoying and arduos it has thousands of quests but not all are easily doable. In guild wars you could do a quest and finish it easily, but wow has what i'd like to call hanging quests in which succes depends on the random drop rate of an item from creatures you have to kill.

It can thus be tiring if you have to kill certain beasts an unknown number of times till an item drops.Luckily being the avids gamer that i am i have started several characters  who are following the same path's that i discover.Note that MMO's can be complex and have several quests , it is better to know what quests to do in order to minimize your exploring and get to the level cap as fast as possible.

So contrary to what people believe i won't be troubled by being slow but rather at the end when my fellow guild members ar finishing their first lvl 60 character i will have ""4"". and THAT would be awesome!!! that's my goal for christmas!!

I will post more about this later later guyzzzz

note that not alot of pple talk about mmo's but you have to understand because they are so addictive ple who have time to type definately have time to play and thus spend their time playing.