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interesting weekend!!!w

 I 'm really excited coz the bulk of my week is gone and my hardest exam was today!!Now it should be smooth sailing till thanks giving break next week!!!!!!!!

During the weekend i had to head to lucbock to get a grapghics card and new system fan for my overheating pc.So it's okay now.
My world of warcraft guild made me an officer so i can invite people to the guild and take part in it's official bussiness.So i have been reading alot of wowwiki to enahnce my knowledge of the game so i can help our members and believe me there's a TON of stuff to know.I'm also ranked sergent according to the battleground  standings and hope to make master sergent today!!

My brothers roomate was getting rid of some stuff including his nintendo 64 which by the way still functions.(we'll kinda)
Unfourtately i can't hear a thing so i tried to play the only the game it came with(legend of zelda ocarina of time) but i stop at the start screen coz i don't want to play it without sound

Anyone out there have N64 sound problems ????can yah give me advice ??