I wont say much but will cover the best bits from E3 that I found trully spectacular.I must sya that this was the most anticipated E3 ever with sony and nintendo revealing alot from their next gen camp It's gonna take a while for people to get over the shock, and start talking seriously about next gen.
I managed to watch almost all the confrences live and I must say all were most impressive.I personally don't consider myself a fanboy.So here are the best bits.
Sony ps3--the interface looked interesting I will download the press footegae to get a better look and I also like the new technology exhibnited by the EA games for realism.The controller which seemed to me to be the spotlight was'nt bad at all I don't seem to recognize the rumble feature in games anymore but I think the tilt function is very intresting I can't wait to see it used properly by an FPS
Microsoft xbox 360: the king of connectivity strikes again by making the x360 even more of a minsaty in the entertainment arena.The pc connection utilty was
awesome .I personally hang around my pc way too much, so I appreciate this function.I was also glad that it's best games are beginning to come out like gears of war and prey.
Nintendo wii showed off some impressive visuals from mario galaxy and of course more examples of how the wii remote works.The first customer to test the wii did'nt look too enthusistic -->though he did do some smiling at the end!!!.. I was most impressed by it's dedication to cheap ands affordable but quality entertainment so I might get the wii first off before the rest follow.
Another thing to note is that I would normally think that nintendo is less prone to updates and product changes later on (unlike sony and microsofts products) so I would feel comfottable knowing that the design for the wii is final and I won't have to see another fancy design later on which is good.
Finally the pc I hav'nt much to say except to express my thoughts that pc gamming has alway been weird to me.As much as pc games look awesome , they alwys seem to (many of the times) lack the gameplay splendour of their console counterparts---in otherwords I think PC games work too hard at graghics than they do at making great original and appealing games .Don't get me wrong I have played alot of great pc games which were just awesome like the warcraft, guildwars and quake.But You honestly wontr see katamari damacy nor God of war nor fighting games for that matter on the pc despite theitr power.
also I tend to think console makers work harder at their games I mean look at games l like MGS and final fanatasy which both look good and play very well, most pc games I have just look good but they don't look like their pushing the limits like the way the conoles do.Anyway it's just my biased opinion(it's just hard for me to understand seeing simple characters in pc games and see final fantasy characters with great character models and facial emotion-and lip syncing )I may be out of touch here but console games have a special touch you never see in pc games.
On my personal Gamming note:I got my ps2 back :) very happy about that and I also got Dawn of war Gold edition for the pc which is also very awesome a terrific RTS which I have longed for ever since warcraft 3 reign of chaos.
oh and by the way here's that oblivion video I took of me using the staff of stealing to get an opponents armor and weapons.The amusing thing is that it does not matter how powerul the opponent is as long as I can strip him(and use his weapons against him) lol!! enjoy