Yeah the other day I kind got really bored and decided to get me some new stuff so I went out and dumped my two worst games (megaman maverick hunter x and armored core formula front ) mainly because I was not pleased with the progress I had made with the games so far and they were not interesting enough to keep me coming back for more .I still retain Lumines and wipeout pure which I was satisfied with.
I am going to write some reviews and give my general impressions about The elder scrolls Oblivion for PC and Darkstalkers chronicle:The Chaos Tower after I explore them more.My first impression of the game were good.I liked Darkstalkers Horror theme and the music fits in.The 2d animations are totally AMAZING and the characters fit well in too....I think the creators are the same as the ones that did marvel versus capcom 2 so would see crazy moves like this one by anarkis(also in MVC2)
Oblivion is an okay game not as interesting as darkstalkers and plays like an masssive online RPG which means at times you may not know what to do and also it has expansive enviroments and options and sub-options like GranTurismo4(lots and lots) well I can't say it's boring .I also heard that You can mod the heck out of it which means that it may have lots of inrest value that is yet undiscovered.
Another important thing to know about oblivion is that it requires a really good pc.My pc barely makes the requirements, but I'm waiting on next year when all the next-gen computer parts come grapghics cards supporting directx10 and pixel shader model 4.0 and Intels new duo core super processor code named "conroe" .Till then it's a console gamers life for me.. and I'm not disappointed...especially with guilty gear judgement for psp coming this may1st and losts of other cool psp and ps2 games comin after I fininsh a long working summer, I wont be bored too long.
For all those who don't know... I will pick up a ps3, x360 and rev in 2008. when the prices ahve dropped and all the good games and patches/fixes are out.(I'm a patient gamer)in the meantime I will pick up ALL the good games I have missed for the ps2 like all those japanese RPG's and others which I may have overlooked.
that's all for now folks..more updates soon cya!!