[update on Wow versus GW coming soon]
Hey it's me back again just to lay a few comments about what I've been doing and ultimately me.so I'll make this interesting by putting down by using some creative headings .
Rushing to school.=>I must admit that this has affected my gamming preferences lately because I know I won't get a chance to game like this during school. Therefore I try to play involving games rather than quick uninteresting ones.For example I 've been playing alot of oblivion and guildwars lately(stopped oblivion coz of a glitch).In school I try as much to concentrate on my studies and give it my all with few distractions so i will propably play games inconsistently.Unfourtunately it may be hard to explain to an active "guild wars" guild that you have to give prefference to schoolwork(and I'm not the smartest guy around)So even if I try to balance my work and play, play must take a back seat every now and then.
Blah blah blah! (buy my game)=>I also fear gameboredom which kinda got to me earlier this summer when I started playing my ps2 and found my games utterly boring(especially on my monitor).I then remembered how addictive my pc games were and decided to get oblivion and dawn of war.
Anti-gaming life=>I also don't buy games often .Mainly because of lack of money but also because of lack of involving games and also lack of a good TV.Playing playstation2 games on my 24 inch flat screen computer monitor sucks coz It displays in low resolution for some funny reason.I also try not to buy games till I finish the ones I have, coz i consider games to be more than just trophies in my room.My computer is my WHOLE entertainment center it's where I download my favorite cartoon and show episodes and where I play games ,listen to music,make phone calls pretty much everything!!! I rarely go to the living room and each of my roomates knows how close I am to my computer.
playing alone(with others)=>is kinda the way I play with GW right now .I must say that it has helped me become a social gamer because first off->coz it rewards social gamers more than singlke players who are very many on GW.I used to solo alot but now it's awesome to go in groups.For example i'ts like final fantasy but in stead of doing the story alone, your with other fellas who can join in your group.(okay not exactly like final fantasy since you only control yourself) for example if you wanna go for a specific mission you can either do it solo with npc hench men or announce in the town that you need a couple of guys to do a quest with!!(or you can mix both).
This somehow helped alleviate my boredom coz many of my friends don't play games and I'm only home late at night.
UPDATE :this just in I'm officially disconnected from my crappy xanadoo DSL service.So I won't be online gamming for a while unfourtunately.on the other hand things can only look better for me as the next service I get will definately have no more disconnections:)--It kinda makes me appreciate a good internet connection all the more!!!(sorry daqua I know your connection sucks too)I will still however blog from work!! bye for now!!
afterthought:I hate writting coz sometimes I don't know if what I wrote came out the way I intended.