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what I hate about Xmen 3!!!

Hey I just watched x-men 3" the last stand" and there are a couple of things I found lame about the whole thing.
(WARNING :spoilers but I assure you this movie sucked anyway)

1) The characters never did once use their original outfits like in the comic books -maybe because the stars of the movie did'nt want their *beatiful* faces covered.

2)The boy in the movie affected all mutants by negating their power, so why did this work on juggernaut??? he is not a mutant!!! he gets his power from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak which is mystical ->not genetic.So the director made up that BS about juggernaut losing energy.  read here if you don't believe me.

3)I don't believe the professor could have been taken out that easily, he's been a survivor of even worse situations in the comics but to see him go out without a fight or some hidden plan was  BS to me.

4)what was the director thinking was he gonna cover the whole phoenix saga in one movie??? if so why did'nt he start with the history of the phoenix force??(by the way the phenix is not another personality of jean it is actually a supernatural cosmic entity known as the phoenix force)

finally the story was'nt even that good infact the story was terrible(proffessor and cyclops taken out early and for no reason). The movie was basically phoenix on a rampage nothing else!!.I could think of a lot of comic books I've read which could have made better movies than this one.

what I hate about current directors  nowadays is that they like to make each movie thier own by trying to make changes to the original story. Especially evident in the xmen movies.This is okay ,but turns horribly wrong when they ignore precise details from the real story that they base the movie off(for example in xmen 3 re-writting xmen history to fit the directors wishes).
This is wrong and many comic book fans would be like-uh nope that did'nt happen!! .I keep wondering why did'nt the director get a storyboard writer from the comic book industry?? They have lots of talent and experience and are more familiar with the comic book characters being used than anybody else the director could have picked!!!.

It's clear this movie is a dissapointment to more than just comic book fans,  0/5  from me.

In other unrelated news... you guys can remeber that  I cancelled my internet service earlier this month ,well i'm back with the same crummy service.I decided it's not prudent for me to change my service so close to my departure.Yes I'm moving to New mexico so this may end up being my last  month here in lubbock.The good news is that I can get back to my guild(if they hav'nt kicked me out already) that's all for now ...