YUP!!!that's the awesomeness of living in the middle of knowhere.Well...actually portales New mexico is somewhere on the map..but nuthin much goes on in the small town.
SO......WE(me and a friend) arrived at the local walmart at get this>>10:30 for the wow:bc launch at midnight.NO line was present ...Heck there was'nt even an attendant at the electronics booth.We had to request assistant for an attndant who did'nt arrive for like 10 minutes. The attendant seems to be suffering from some from of amnesia or something but just does'nt even know there's a big launch tonight!!.We had to get hold of a manager to putt away our fears that our walmart did'nt have copies!!.
But after the confermation it was all smooth running...by 11:00pm 2 other pple came and by 11:30 we were like 6 pple(by the way the store had 30 copies of bc for the midnight launch). I was amazed at how WOW has become a family pastime, a Couple and their kid were also getting copies (the kid was gonna have to start a new character ..since his last one got deleted for bad grades lol )
Nevertheless there main age of the pple who showed up were like 25-30.We talked warcraft like crazy.I mean we were like 16 pple standing in the electronics section talkin about nuthin but warcraft.
When the copies came we each took our own and headed our separate ways(no ques whatsoever the attendant just handed over copies to everyone around and we wen't and paid for em up front)
Sad part of our lauch was...no collectors ed.Oh well i guess it sure beats the having to wait in line for hours like the guys up in the northern states had