First off these are my first impressions and are not entirely responsible for what I entirely feel for the games.First off I 'll start with Guild wars coz I played it first
Guild wars:
Was the first MMORPG i ever played I remeber feeling nice to be immersed inside a large free roaming large world.I also like the grapghics and the character models.You have 4 charaters limit (6 if you have GWfactions)I really like the fact that you could have 2 proffesions on your character e.g a warrior monk(a very popular build)My first character was "Valencia sama "a PVE character and "Raging aphrodite" a PVP character.My main problem was that as a single player I was used to the story being about me and about leading me effortlessly till the end. So I actually got lost a couple of times and died numerous times .Since I did'nt bother to read the guide or get some rough strategy as to how to handle MMORPG's then I gradually lost intrest and stopped playing after 2 months.(I however got back to GW but that I will cover in next blog)
Wolrd Of Warcraft:
I jumped into this game somewhat a pro since I already started playing GW again and was enjoying it immensely.So I found the wow trial promotion I had been looking for .It took me an hour to download , extract and install the files .The guest account also mentioned a limit to my guest character like gold amount and other features which I hav'nt come across so far.Wow has several character classes about 8( I think) either male or female.and out of those clases you choose a proffesion like a hunter or warrior or druid, depending on race traits available to the character class.Playing was'nt hard since I knew the general strategy for MMORPGS which is to clear the quests in a certain area before moving on to the next, so I actually rose to lvl 7 in one sitting on my Nightelf druid known as Maumivu a swahili word for pain /disease.
I realized first off that the game is not entirely diffrent from GW. One diffrence is that you can jump and you have to face all your opponents manually since the computer does not do it for you like in GW. I do think the map and minimap could been a whole lot more useful coz I got lost acouple of time and got killed by some high ranking monstors.In GW when you die you spawn at a ressurtect shrine and get a death penalty which reduces your maximum life and streangth till you get to a nearby town.But in Wow you spawn in spirit form at the graveyard of the last town you made your home, and have to travel to where you died and start of with aportion of energy and life.This I thought could be a problem if you died in a zone full of really bad monstors.Other than that the other thing I noticed is that unlike GW which does not bother the player with choosing servers when you log in WOW directly connects your charcater to a specific server thus if you can't get to your server(e.g server full) you can't access your characters!!!.This irked me a bit coz the second day I tried wow and could'nt get in because my server was full and I was no.137 on qeue.Luckily I had only to wait 3 minutes and I was able to log in.
So i guess that's the bulk of my first impressions I won't comment on the story or plot since in most games it may start slow but begin to pick up!!
These are my first impressions I will post more when I get deeper into wow .I don't hate any of the games, and I am trying to bring out the diffrent features of each game in an unbiased manner .
Tell me what you think!!!(was I biased , did I do good job?? comment)